高中畢業後,在意大利,法國留學生活了約八年。曾跟隨G.Fassetta,F.Deschamps,B.Perrey學習。檜山贏得過許多比賽,包括意大利手風琴大賽的冠軍。2003年起,檜山在東京積極參與不同的音樂活動。除了現場表演、錄音、檜山亦與不同藝術家,舞蹈家合作,並參與舞台音樂。出演國家包括意大利、智利、俄羅斯、瑞士等等。 Manabu Hiyama Hiyama started accordion from an early age due to his father's influence. After graduating from high school, he spent about eight years studying abroad in Italy and France. Has studied under G. Fassetta, F. Deschhamps and B. Perrey.
Has won numerous international competitions , including winning the All-Italian Accordion Competition . After returning to Japan in 2003, he has been active in various live performances based in Tokyo, recording, collaborating with various artists and dancers in other genres, and performing arts. He has also performed abroad in Italy, Chile, Russia, Switzerland, South Korea and Hong Kong. Now currently receiving a lot of attention both at home and abroad as one of the most aggressive players. Since 2016, Mr. Hiyama has been a judge for Japan at the CMA World Accordion Competition, which is the highest peak in the world.