Vincent's Accordion Studio 手風琴工作室自成立以來已有多位來自世界各地的朋友造訪,其中又以香港為最大宗。因此我陸續於香港地區舉辦講座、音樂會、體驗課程致力推廣手風琴並分享各種手風琴資訊。
很高興從現在開始正式與美孚區最大型的音樂藝術中心—音樂熊藝術中心(Music Bear Arts Centre)合作,成立了本手風琴工作室的第一個海外分站。提供香港本地師資教學、手風琴資訊、國際音樂會、大師班、講座及商業演出,並不定期舉辦各種活動。同時我們也是歐洲手風琴原廠授權代理展銷,將於台港兩地同步展示原汁原味的歐洲工藝。Vincent以及阿雞老師也會至香港舉辦講座、團體/私人課程,親自指導教學。 香港HONG KONG Vincent's Accordion Studio 手風琴工作室 音樂熊藝術中心分站/ 教學、資訊、樂器展示 九龍美孚新邨第8期商場3樓136室(美孚站) 電話:(+852) 2322 1629 合作提案,請寄信至: [email protected] Vincent's Accordion Studio (original in Taiwan) has now the first oversea department in Kowloon, Hong Kong. Music Bear Arts Centre is the largest arts centre located in Mei Foo, In which we partner to organize international concerts, masterclasses, lectures, lessons, commercial performances. We are also authorized dealer of european accordions with brand new and used instruments display in Hong Kong area. Music director Vincent and Achino will also visit Hong Kong frequently to hold lectures as well as group and private lessons. Music Bear Arts Centre Shop 136, 3/F, Phase 8 Shopping Centre, Mei Foo Sun Chuen, Kowloon, HK (Mei Foo MTR exit A) tel : 2322 1629 · fax : 2322 1692 Any program proposal please email: [email protected]